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About Crystalline Clarity

Daryl Spilberg -

​Welcome to Crystalline Clarity. Whatever your experience or exploration is, from a sense of gentle enquiry to being completely and utterly overwhelmed, know that it is all welcome and that you've come to the right place.

There can be a whole range of reasons why one may seek assistance and advice when finding a practitioner or modality for their issue, so why choose Crystalline Clarity?

Whilst respectfully acknowledging that your own issues and enquiries are valid and unique to you, here are some common issues and themes that clients come seeking assistance with.​


- Repetitive patterns, physical injuries, cycles and issues

- Processing trauma and trapped emotions, from both present and past lives

- Feeling stuck, blocked or unable to move forward

- Problems with entities, demonic beings and other attachments

- Gaining understanding and bringing healing to the root behind serious or chronic illness 

- Enquiry into past lives

- Seeking spiritual guidance and to connect with higher realms

- Healing family dynamics and ancestral lineages

- Spiritual crisis, spiritual emergence and identity crisis

- Damage, misalignment or other issues from taking psychedelic substances

- Wishing to communicate with a departed loved one

- Karmic issues and ties: Seeking clarification, understanding and resolution

- Issues with paranormal activity or other seemingly inexplicable phenomena

- Seeking life direction and finding out more about one's life purpose and Divine Blueprint

- Misaligned, scrambled or damaged energy centers and bodies

- Dealing with and processing grief

Whilst again acknowledging that your own enquiries and issues that you may wish to work through are unique to you and I welcome anything that you may come with, know that you are not alone.​ Whatever your issue may be, know that help is available if you are willing to reach out.

Daryl Spilberg -

About Daryl Spilberg

Counsellor, Crystal Dreaming practitioner and fanatical health enthusiast. Previously, I was an international tour guide which enabled me to explore the world, experiencing many cultures across many different countries. I was always curious about how to live a healthy, sustainable lifestyle until I was abruptly plunged into a deep spiritual crisis that lasted many years. I had to rapidly adapt and explore many options to try and find my way back to mental, spiritual and physical health, which had all suddenly broken down simultaneously.

Through this journey which I ultimately now recognize as an initiation period, I was left to my fend for myself for a long time until I was finally guided to various incredibly skilled practitioners who assisted me in finding ways to find balance within myself: Through spiritual realms, healing of the physical body and battles of the mind, finding equilibrium to replace the complete and seemingly permanent chaos that my life had plunged into.

Of these, I was fast tracked into learning about the spiritual realms in particular, constantly dealing with entities and various other beings, attachments, past and present life traumas, unbalanced energy centres and fields, cords and long standing contracts to name a few. Of course, all were accompanied by a very large amount of karma! 

The journey back to health has been incredibly difficult and at many times I came to situations and roadblocks that I was sure were impossible to get through. Yet it was my health crisis that brough the wisdom and knowledge of how to heal on many levels and ultimately come to a place to be able to help and share how to do so and assist others.

I now know that the seemingly impossible can be healed and am here to be of service to assist others through their own inner questioning, awakenings, complex spiritual issues, health crises and anything else that may be perplexing them and holding them back from reaching their full potential.


- Crystal Dreaming (2019)

- Diploma of Counselling (2022)

- Cert III & IV Personal training & fitness instruction, incorporating nutrition (2007)

- TTC 200 Hatha Yoga (2016)


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